Exposition | Conférences | Ateliers | Badge
13 & 14 novembre 2024
Paris Porte de Versailles - Pavillon 2.2
Le salon de la performance des bâtiments tertiaires, industriels et collectifs
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Airthings is a global technology company that develops and manufactures solutions for businesses, consumers, and radon professionals. Founded in 2008, Airthings is on a mission to ensure that people around the world recognize the impact of air quality and make radon and indoor air quality sensors an essential element of every building.

The Airthings for Business solution balances health and energy efficiency in any building. It's a scalable solution that's easily tailored to fit any space.

Optimize your indoor air quality to save energy and time
Take charge of the health of both your buildings and the people using them by improving your indoor air quality. Understanding what is in the air can help you optimize your ventilation and building maintenance based on need, resulting in energy savings. Airthings for Business measures critical data to allow you to manage indoor air quality and provide a healthy and productive environment at all times while reducing energy costs. Monitor multiple buildings in one dashboard, or integrate the solution with your BMS to automate your HVAC system.

Produits présentés
The Airthings for Business solution is made up of RESET accredited wireless sensors that connect to a Hub using cellular, which means it is suitable for any building type. Interested in certifying your building? The solution can be used in your journey towards a RESET or WELL certified building.

For people: Improve the health, wellbeing and productivity of your tenants, colleagues, visitors or students.

For business: Remotely monitor and optimize your buildings to improve indoor air quality, reduce energy consumption and save time.

For planet: Use air quality data to make your buildings sustainable, while reducing operating costs at the same time.

Dernière nouveauté produits/services
Space CO2 Mini is an innovative, accurate, and scalable CO2 monitor that includes temperature, humidity, lux, noise, air pressure, and presence detection sensors. It helps achieve a balance of health and energy efficiency in any commercial building. It is fully wireless and battery-operated. Offered in a 4-pack, the RESET-accredited monitor is a highly-scalable product that provides building managers with a convenient way to easily deploy a CO2 monitoring solution across every room at once.
Activité : Constructeur / équipementier
Type(s) :
  • Exposant, Stand G15
Parcours thématique :
  • Éclairage intelligent du bâtiment / smart lighting
  • Economie circulaire pour repenser la ville
  • Mobilité électrique / solutions de recharge (bornes) / opérateur de mobilité
Lien : https://www.airthings.com/
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en parallèle de l'événement
IBS Event
15 rue de l’abbé Grégoire
75006 Paris
+33 1 44 39 85 00 informations@ibs-event.com